Thursday, February 26, 2009

Final Learning Targets (For now...)

I am fairly happy with my original learning targets, with one exception. I sadly realize that RNA is not actually in the NYS standards. The understanding they promote is that genes encode proteins, but nothing about how (that would be RNA). So, I have changed learning target 5 to focus on the structure and function of DNA instead. This learning target is directly related to Major Understanding 2.1f under Standard 4 of the NYSED Living Environment Core Curriculum. My original learning targets can be found here.


My unit focuses on Key Idea 2 from Standard 4 of the NYSED Living Environment Core Curriculum: Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of structure and function between parents and offspring.

1. Students are able to explain how traits are transferred to offspring during sexual reproduction.
Verbs: Describe, outline, give examples, state, illustrate.

2. Students understand where and how genetic information is stored within a cell.
Verbs: Describe, diagram, illustrate, explain, identify.

3. Students are able to explain why cells containing identical genetic information can differ greatly in structure and function within a single organism.
Verbs: give examples, describe, explain, contrast, diagram.

4. Students can construct a pedigree chart for sex-linked, dominant, and recessive traits.
Verbs: Interpret, compose, diagram, distinguish, predict.

5. Students understand the basic structure and properties of DNA and their significance in DNA replication.
Verbs: Explain, diagram, summarize, describe, support.

6. Students are able to construct a Punnet Square based on the laws of Mendelian Genetics.
Verbs: Create, break down, categorize, illustrate, diagram.

7. Students understand how the expression of genes can be modified by interaction with the environment.
Verbs: give examples, explain, predict, appraise, design.


  1. I am not entirely happy with the wording of my new target 5. Suggestions or comments are always greatly appreciated.

  2. Glen,
    I read this target over and over and couldn't seem to word it correctly. Here is what I came up with. It is the same as yours except I used along instead of and again. Students understand the basic structure and properties of DNA along with their significance in DNA replication. I don't know if that helps. I try to avoid overusing and in the target. Maybe you could break down the target into two. One could be understanding the basic structure and properties. Then the other could be focused on just DNA replication. Other than this, your final targets look good. I have a clear understanding of what each of your targets focuses on.

  3. These two LTs need better verbs. Otherwise, good job.

    2. Students understand where and how genetic information is stored within a cell.

    7. Students understand how the expression of genes can be modified by interaction with the environment.
