Saturday, April 11, 2009

Unit Pre-test DRAFT

I chose to base my pre-test on Approach 1:Profiling Content Strengths and Weaknesses(Nitko & Brookhart, 2007). I was interested in the second approach, but this one seems more realistic for application within an typical classroom in an efficient manner. This assessment targets knowledge that students shoud have gained in middle school in science and possibly health class. Students would not benefit from the planned unit without this information. The content all falls under the topic of genetics, so I chose to only use one subtest. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, as always!

1.) What is the name of the molecule that stores genetic information?
2.) The unit of genetic information that determines the particular trait expressed by an individual is known as what?
3.) The last names of the two men credited with discovering the double-helix structure of the genetic material are what and what?
4.) During human reproduction, what percentage of the offspring’s genetic information comes from the mother?
5.) During human reproduction, what percentage of the offspring’s genetic material comes from the father?
6.) Human reproduction is known as what specific type of reproduction?
7.) An alteration to the genetic material is known as a what?
8.) The traits encoded by an individual’s genetic information are known as a what?
9.) The traits that an individual actually expresses are known as a what?
10.) An individual that contains both a dominant and recessive gene for the same trait is known as a what?
11.) The genetic material is stored by a cell as long stands that encode multiple traits and is known as what?
12.) What is the name of the 19th century Augustinian monk known as the father of modern genetics?
13.) Which cells contain genetic information?
14.) The genetic material is transcribed into another type of molecule and then translated into what other kind of molecule, which does the work of the cell?
15.) How many strands of genetic material bond together to make a double helix?
16.) The type of trait found in a wild, normal individual is known as what?
17.) An altered trait that differs from the one normally found in a wild population is known as what type of trait?

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